"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Amazing, Wonderful, God's will!!

It has been very busy since I arrived back to Mwika on Saturday. We worshipped at Kondiki Parish on Sunday with Roland and his family. This church was everything I heard about. The church was so beautiful, the choirs sung such unbelievable songs in ways that made me wonder, why do we even bother with instruments. Their voices blended with their hand clapping in such a wonderful, amazing way. After church we met Pastor Ponga at the church office. We were able to share our stories with him. He then gave us a tour of the church milk factory. This is such a wonderful way for the church to create small employment for the local people of Kondiki AND it helps create income for the church. I actually tried the milk pouches that people buy and I don't think I'll be ordering anytime soon. It tasted like a block of white cheddar cheese that was slightly melted. But this is good nutrition for the people here. During our introduction to the church, Roland did tell people to come if they were in need of eyeglasses. That I would be holding this clinic at Maring'a Juu Monday Morning at 9:00a.m. The sad part of this was that SO many showed up and I didn't have nearly enough glasses. Most of the people here needed just plain reading glasses. I hope someone reading this might have a connection to Walgreens or CVS as we need to send about 30 pair of just plain cheap reading glasses. Keep your hearts and minds opened. After church we walked through Mwika and enjoyed the rest of the beautiful day.

Monday was a day in my life that I will never forget. It was the day that Maring'a Juu welcomed me to their school. We were greeted by the principle and the hundred of children SOOOO excited to meet me. The teachers had made the three of us fresh flower leys (sorry for the spelling) This was our official greeting. Then the rest of the day was like a dream to me. The students gathered in front of school and sang their school song, the drums played while we walked to the front of the students. We were greeted by the principle then we introduced ourselves to the students. I had a hard time holding back my tears when this dream had now become reality!! I was now in front of all these children whom I have been trying to help for so long!! After our official greeting we were escorted to the "lunch area" where the teachers provided us with a wonderful lunch. I finally had the opportunity to let them all know that Valley View has so many parents, students and teachers that care for them. They all began cheering and crying with excitement!! I told them about the PTA and the student council and the parents and teachers that want to help. I can't tell you HOW MUCH impact we have had already on this school. Thomas Jefferson's help with the textbook project was seen with my own eyes. THIS is something that Maring'a Juu is in desperate need of. Actually there are so many things and I will begin my presentations when I arrive home. The most touching thing that happened was the teachers presented us with 2 very nice gifts. We each received a Kanga and a tin of African coffee!! They said that they didn't have much money (which I can tell you this is so true) but they wanted us to know HOW MUCH they are grateful for any help. If I had a couple hours to write I would because there is so much to talk about. I promise I will cover all of this when I arrive home!! It was a day in which I felt as if my work my love of this school and village all came together. You have helped these students and teachers in such a big way.

Barbara and Ellen left after the school celebration. They were going on Safari until our departure on Friday. I opted to stay back to accomplish what I came here to do. Since we had been traveling so much around the country, my time was getting less and less with what I needed to accomplish. I want to spend the rest of my days with Maring'a Juu and the village of Mwika. So Roland and I will journey to Arusha on Thursday afternoon.

Today (Wednesday) the meal program began. I got to see where the food is being prepared and I think you will all laugh at how I couldn't even stand in the middle of the cooking pots. The smoke from the fire was overwhelming to me and my eyes began to tear up immediately. We spent the whole day with the students at Maring'a Juu. The "fine art students" spent an hour drawing pictures for Valley View. These were so beautiful. It was amazing to see that the pencils that I brought along weren't sharpened and the children use straight edge razors to sharpen their pencils. My mouth fell to the floor. In America we would have arrested anyone for holding a straight edge in their hands....this is how I know I am not anywhere close to the USA!! The Kindergarten and 1st grade children receive porrage for lunch. I was lucky enough to help serve this to the children. Their porrage is Cornmeal and water combination. No flavor but filling for their hungry bellies. The rest of the students were able to have a meal that was provided from the meal program. It was so gratifying!!! After the lunch was served the orphaned children remained behind. They were given the Holy Cross t-shirts that the AOB students made and the sweaters that my "chicks with sticks" and Morrison Illionois group provided. This was another unbelievable moment for me!! To see something take place that was a dream at one point become reality is the greatest feeling I have ever had.

I had a wonderful journey to visit Roland's Grandmother who is 120 yrs old. I gave her a prayer shawl that I brought with me. To see her face, and how grateful she was to receive this was another amazing moment. She put her hands over my head and blessed me. She told me that I needed to stay here in Tanzania until I am 120 yrs old. She said that she was so Thankful that God sent an angel to her. Of course the tears were coming to my eyes again!!!

I will return to Maring'a Juu tomorrow to finish up some projects. I must get everything done as my time is ending here in Mwika (for now) Roland and I will begin our journey to Arusha in the afternoon and get ready for the next journey to Nairobi on Friday. I can't believe that the end is here.

I am so blessed. My heart is forever changed with what I have been able to see, hear, taste and touch here in Mwika. I know that God put me here for a reason. I hope I can continue to share my story of how difficult life is here in Tanzania. There is nothing easy. The life that everyone has here has moved me beyond anything I ever dreamed!! There is so much happiness though beyond their struggles. I have never felt so much love by so many people!! It is going to be a real culture shock to enter the USA again. Tanzania is a country where you can feel welcome morning, noon and night.

I look forward to seeing you all soon. Thank you for your love and your prayers. I appreciate everyones comments and please know that I appreciate all of you, my family and friends for allowing me this opportunity to find out what my lifes pupose is...I know now what I need to do.

Until next time!!



  1. Pam

    Wow... what an experience you are having. Am thankful for the blog so that I can keep track of your adventures/ministries.
    We've kept the home fires burning.
    This weekend the staff is off, during worship times, to our inner city partners while a presentation is being done on Tanzania. It trust it will lift that ongoing need and highlight the shared ministry that is possible because a vision is shared.
    Safe journey home.
    Pr. DLS

  2. Incredible! I can't stop crying reading about your trip, I wish I could have joined you and help with your mission. We can't wait to hear all the details upon your return. Please return safely.

    Love The Shoemaker Family

  3. What a trip and your story is so moving. I cannot wait to hear the details...and see the pictures. We will miss you at book club tonight - please travel safely. I know I didn't even need to say that because you are in God's hands!


  4. Amazing!
    I love reading about your "adventures". Can't wait til you get home to hear more. I am praying for you and all of the people of Mwika.
    Say "hi" to Roland!
    God Bless.
