"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Monday, February 9, 2009

Moshi on Monday

I am at the internet cafe today in Moshi. The weather is near 90 and very hot. Our journey from Mwika was breathtaking. I am amazed at what I am seeing. I will forever be thankful by what we have. The way of life is very difficult. Simple things like running water, roads and food are things that most of us always have. For the people of Mwika and surrounding areas, they work very hard to have very few things. This is a country everyone should have a chance to experience once in their lifetime. My heart is forever changed. The people here are so grateful and loving. Anywhere I have walked, I get hugs and cordial greetings. Anywhere we go, we walk. The children walk to school and some come from so far away. The roads are dirt filled and crevises very deep. Half the time I am having to look down to see if I will step in a hole or kick a big rock. It is funny and we have had many laughs. Last evening we gathered with many from the village. They commonly get together on Sunday nights to watch videos at one location in their village. Many gather just to get together, adults mostly. Everyone cares so much about each other here. In my observation, I can see that people are never ever alone.

My time at the cafe is ending...so until next time. Asante sana for posting me your comments, it is so nice for me to read them. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I DO appreciate them more than you know.



  1. Pam,
    Wow is all I can say. You are going to come back with so many stories. Looking forward to the pictures of you food program!

    Love ya, Ann

  2. Pam,

    I can hardly wait until Thursday when I get on the plane to meet you, Ellen, Roland and his family and all the villagers; to see the beauty of the people and the country.

    Until then, Barbara

  3. We are so happy that you are there safely. We can tell from these pictures how happy you are. You are positively glowing! Please keep writing, it is so great to hear what you are doing! Please send Roland a big HI from the 3rd grade Girl Scouts!

  4. So glad to hear that you made it safely and all is going as planned. I love to read the updates and see the pictures. We'll keep checking on you. Take Care, Amy

  5. Hello from the Third Graders in Mrs. Meyer's/Ms. Hintz's classroom. We are so excited to be following your journey. We really enjoyed reading today's blog. Our class has some questions. What are your sleeping arrangements like? What kind of gÄmes do children play there? We all hope you received your luggage! We are thinking of you, until then, take care.

    The Third Graders!

  6. Pam...I am so glad you are well & safe! We are going to be checking frequently to read your posts. Hi to Roland from the lions (the dogs).

    Sherry & Emma

  7. Hello from Derek and Wendy! We love your blog! You must just be having an amazing time. Stay safe, have fun, and laugh along the way! We are thinking of you!!

  8. We're so happy you arrived safely. We are excited to read your blogs and share in your adventure. You go, girl!
    Don, Julie, Katie, Jim, and Olivia

  9. Pamela you are my hero! Glad your journey was safe and I hope the 40,000 yards of dental floss have caught up with you. Take care my friend.

  10. Pam....
    Excited to catch up with you through the blog. Good to hear of your safe arrival & emerging yourself into your mission. God bless you & your companions. May Christ be made known in all that you do & say! Greet Roland for me.

    FYI: Have checked up with Tom this AM to see how on he & the girls are doing & to remind them that they too are held in prayer.
    Pastor David

  11. Jambo:

    Great pictures of the school. We are glad you are safe and with great people. The Klumb family

  12. You go girl! Just the pictures that you have posted are inspiring. To be there must be truly amazing. Joe and Rita

  13. Hi Aunt Pam, hope your trip is as amazing as you say it is. I think that who ever reads this will be inspired to do the same thing as you are doing. Stay safe!! Your niece Kendal
