"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Monday, June 27, 2011

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

Finally! My first children's book is published! I am humbled by the experience. I never even thought about writing a children's book - but to my amazement here it is. I truly want to Thank God and my family for supporting my efforts in this book... God had this amazing plan all along, and it was very real as each step went seamlessly easy. Not having any knowledge on how to write a book is one thing but then to take to being fully published still amazes me.

I am so blessed with the illustrations for this book too! My dear friend Ann Solomon introduced me to "Sheggy" and here is another very wonderful story that only God could facilitate. As I was learning about traditional publishers the same story kept coming back to me: "We will take your story but WE WILL find the illustrator" and I kept saying, NO, nobody knows this story better than Sheggy who has lived this story. My friend Ann read him my story and he immediately began to cry...he said this story was the story of his personal life. Sheggy was orphaned at a young age and was left with no parents or siblings from age 11! Imagine that? He began to draw to take the pain out of his heart and God gifted him with this talent that only can be explained as a gift from God. He has had no formal education and has never had an Art class. I am beyond blessed with his illustrations for this book.

This book is a wonderful tool for parents, grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, churches, schools, vacation bible school, community learning centers, libraries and children to read. They will get to know another way that most of the world lives and how difficult it is for them.

I have been blessed to travel to Tanzania 5 times since my first trip. I will be returning again in September. I continue to learn about how children/orphans/street children live and my heart continues to reach out to help them as much as I can.

If you choose to purchase this book, I will tell you that a portion of the proceeds will go to help "Sheggy" our illustrator so he can continue to lift up his dream of becoming an artist / musician and it will go toward helping with our many wonderful projects of Simple Hope.

Please consider purchasing a book at: www.authorhouse.com OR if you live in the Milwaukee Wisconsin area, contact me at: simplehope1@gmail.com and I can arrange to get you a copy.

This book is a wonderful teaching moment for you. Please help me to help others.

Blessings and peace ~

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Have you ever wanted to take part of a MISSION TRIP?

I am very excited to say that we at Simple Hope have organized 3 separate weeks for mission travel in March 2012 to experience what it is like to live, eat and work in Tanzania East Africa. We have finalized projects that will be our focus for three different mission weeks in Tanzania.

These trips have been meticulously planned by co-founders Pamela and Karen along with the partnership of our director in Tanzania! We have planned them to be meaningful both spiritually, mentally and physically. We will connect you to those children and adults that are looking forward to meeting YOU!!!

We will be focusing on construction projects for week 1 and 3. Our second week will include vocational training. We can provide in depth details for our trips if you are seriously considering joining us. Please email simplehope1@gmail.com for more details or to speak one on one about what it entails to join us.

We are very excited to share our work with you!

Blessings and peace ~

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Brown Envelope!

As I was blessed this weekend to have a "work retreat" with Karen....we got to reminiscing about Tanzania and our recent trips to this country. First thing out of our mouths was just how very blessed we feel to be called to this mission field. Second thing as we sorted through notes, folders, writings, it became apparent that we kept finding the "brown envelope" that EVERYONE carries in Tanzania.

Here is what I mean. In our country, anything gets transported by some sort of bag. Papers get put into folders or binders which then go into a "briefcase" or computer. We have ways to get whatever paperwork we need to transport easily to its destination. Other items that need to get from point A to B go in any other sort of bag.

In Tanzania, people carry brown envelopes for everything. Our friend Elicana, came to meet us in March. He brought with him, a small notebook, his passport, and a few small papers and hidden under his Masai clothing was the "brown envelope" We asked him what he had in this envelope and he showed us that this goes with him anywhere he goes. It was very worn with the corners ripped and torn but it was his safe place for all his belongings.

Looking around and watching people that walk on the streets or in the market are brown envelopes. I imagine it is wonderful to have their "papers" tucked safe into this envelope? We just noticed that EVERYONE carries one with them in some capacity.

We decided in March that we should have "the brown envelope" as well so we purchased a couple to put our important documents in too. We put them in our purses and you know what? I always knew where my money was and where I could find my receipts.

Tanzanians have a wonderful idea with the "brown envelope" and we appreciate you showing us this small way to make our lives simple and uncomplicated. Keeping our "stuff" tucked into the brown envelope is now reminding us of our time in Tanzania and it is flooding back memories of how this important envelope is all they have!

We pray for you Tanzania everyday.

Blessings and peace ~

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sunday June 12, 2011 YOU ARE INVITED.

Please join us at Shepherd of the Hills Church in Richfield Wisconsin at 6:30p.m. We are going to be sharing photo's and videos from our last mission trip, we will share with you how our projects are developing and how next year we will be leading groups with us to help serve the "least of the least" in Tanzania.

All are welcome, refreshments will be served and we hope to see you at this fun, casual evening.

Blessings and peace ~

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Arusha Times News Article May 2011

By Happy Lazaro


An American non-Government Organization knows as Simple Hope has donated food valued at Tshs.6.9 million to Matonyok Parents Trusts situated in Olasiti in Arusha City.

The donation was handed over by the Director of the Organization Mr. Charles Mpanda to the founders of the orphanage, Peniel Ndemno and Emmy Sitayo.

Mr. Mpanda, who is also a Councillor for Kaloleni Ward said that along with the food donation, the organization is also planning to construct a dormitory and to complete the construction of a classroom at the orphanage. Construction works will cost a total of Tshs 62 million.

The orphanage started in 2005 with few children and the number has risen to thirty five by May this year.

He said Simple Hope in Tanzania aims at assisting the orphans and the Hadzabe Community living on the shore of Lake Eyasi in Karatu District.

We Thank Charles Mpanda, Happy Lazaro and Peniel Ndemno and Emmy Sitayo for making this all work smoothly and effectively.

Blessings and peace ~

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Sculpture....

I want to share the story of this sculpture with you. I hope you are sitting back perhaps with a cup of coffee or your favorite soda.....this story truly is one that warms my heart every time I look at it.

In April when we were on our mission trip, we were taken to a group of women (a co-op) whereby the women, 35 total, make their best craft items to support themselves and their families. They have combined their resources and built a small craft house whereby they sell their goods. As I wandered around this store, I looked at what they could do with their hands ~ it was simply incredible. They have little in the way of monetary resources and yet they can make things out of trees, sticks, material, beads etc. I began to think about Simple Hope and who we are as an organization ~ I took a break from my "shopping" and went to sit under a tree and I imagined a circle of us together holding hands women and men....together, united by our bridge of love between our worlds. I saw they had resources to build and carve then it hit me. We were going to be in Tanzania 3 more weeks, would they be able to make something for Simple Hope?

I got out my notebook and pen and "sketched" my typical stick figures that I am so good at~LOL! I sat down with Eva (the head of this women's co-op) and asked her if there might be somebody that could make this sculpture I was thinking about? As I showed her my picture it was as if she knew! She looked then asked me a few questions and said she would report to the group and have it made! I thought to myself "did she really understand what it was I was thinking about - my stick people did she understand how they all stood in a circle with hands joined together?"
Eva said she would have it done before we left and I thought, well, this will be interesting to see how our two languages would work together.

On our way to the airport on our last day, Eva met us! We met at a restaurant whereby all roads came together. She was coming from the opposite direction as we did but nonetheless we met ~ and she presented this sculpture! My eyes wide open, my mouth dropped open I was speechless. This is exactly what I had in my mind! I am still thinking about how through my stick people that I drew, my Swinglish (English and Swahili) description that this is the end result.

This sculpture will always be our marquee item! This group will custom make this sculpture for anyone who might be interested. We will have 2 sizes available a 10" and a 14". If you are sincerely interested, please email me: simplehope1@gmail.com.

I will be returning to Tanzania in September and can pick up the sculptures when I return or they can be shipped to you in advance.

Thank you for letting me share this beautiful story ~ not only are you helping those that work so hard to earn a single dollar for their families but you are also showing your love for our Tanzanian brothers and sisters!

Blessings and peace ~