"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sharing the message....

I want Thank Shepherd of the Hills Church in Richfield Wisconsin for embracing Simple Hope as their Mission partner. Pastor Jay, Karen and myself were able to speak on behalf of our journies collectively to Tanzania Africa. Pastor Jay shared about his "planned" trips the ones whereby you are always in the safety of a formed group vs the exciting adventures Karen and I have been on in the last couple months really facing the unknown but somehow "knowing" that there was a much larger plan for us.

I loved the part of the sermon where Pastor Jay said: "certainly most of us will not be called to go to Africa" and that is true. I NEVER thought for a minute I would be called to go there either, in fact I can remember that I really didn't even know much about it when I decided to go for my first time. Maybe ignorance is bliss? Well it was then, but now I have training and skills under my belt and am MUCH better equipped to work within and outside of Tanzania. My heart has always been full of compassion for others, yet somehow when I landed in this country, I knew that they needed what I could provide...that has led to others joining me with similar hearts and to the development of Simple Hope.

Cast your fears aside and take a bold move in your life. Maybe it is just getting up the courage to talk to a co-worker or neighbor, or maybe it is finally telling that person you are sorry for something that happened. Whatever your calling, be convicted, trust, have faith and know that as you put your fears aside, you will feel empowered. The sense of accomplishment will overwhelm you.

I am always here for you, your emails are always welcome ~ simplehope1@gmail.com

Until next time~


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Video for Sheggy!!

The video I have posted is an unbelievable story!! Sheggy is full of so many God given talents!! My dearest friend Ann who lives in Dar es Salaam ~ met Sheggy when he came to their recording studio. Her husband Solomon asked if he could sing, and his gift was shining so bright. He could play guitar, sing, compose music and other talents I will share at a later date with you. Sheggy was orphaned at a very young age when both of his parents died, leaving him alone to fend for himself with no family to love or care for him. Can you imagine? Never experiencing love? He also had to quit school in 6th grade. He became homeless, with no education and wondering what life was all about. In all of his pain of missing his mother, he began to write music ~ lyrics to sooth his own heart and soul. He was given a very beat up guitar that he cherished so that he could comfort others who were orphaned and alone.
My dearest friend Ann and her husband, listened to his "demo" in their studio. As Ann told me, his voice was simple and like and angel. Solomon got right to work and began developing a video for him which is what I have posted!!
I will share with you the English translation of this tomorrow but THANK YOU for listening to Sheggy who wrote, sang and put what little he has into a beautiful song.
God Bless Sheggy, Ann and Solomon for taking the little they have to make something beautiful in this world.

Until next time~



Sunday, October 3, 2010

November 6th, 2010 Packathon and Experience!!

YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED!!!! Yes, you and your friends, family, neighbors, girl scout troops, boy scout troops, community organizations ANYONE!!

JOIN US to help package life saving food that will be delivered to our partnership villages in Tanzania East Africa. We have wonderful partners who are working with us to distribute the food. We are serving the "least of the least" the ones who can't even help themselves!! Our food will give them complete nutrition and help them to gain strength!!

All you need to do is reserve your spot by emailing: simplehope3@gmail.com. Tell us what hour you would like to come (9:00-2:00) and you can bring your $25.00 registration fee with you the day of the pack!! One hour of your day will feed over 100 bellies. They send their Thanks already. I have hand delivered this food to them, they know how generous we as Americans are!! YOU have helped build a bridge of love between our worlds!!

This year we will give you the presentation of what you are doing, where the food is being delivered, who is receiving and more importantly WHY we need to look beyond the community we live in. We will also give you a sample of the food and provide you with many educational stations to discover what life is truly like for our friends in Tanzania!!

We promise you will walk away with a better understanding of WHY you are VERY IMPORTANT to helping these children and adults!

Until next time~
