"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Friday, January 29, 2010

A Volunteer is Always There

To inspire, to educate, to care,
A Volunteer is always there.

When time stands still,
And the world has left you alone
Stand clear of falling into despair,
A Volunteer is always there.

The cold wintery winds are sure to come,
And rags are all the remain.
Where there are no clothes left to wear,
A volunteer is always there.

Hunger and sickness can give us great pain,
Encouragement is nowhere to be found,.
No food, no clothing the cupboards are bare,
A Volunteer is always there.

A child or adult aspires to become someone great,
Bu the funds are insufficient.
There is someone who can help them prepare,
A volunteer is always there.

To nourish, to love to care, A Volunteer is Always there.

I appreciate everyone who has helped me to help those who struggle to live...those who live with no hope, those that are hungry, cold and lonely. YOU have done so much to make the lives of others a little bit better. Your friendship and support is more than I could ever hope for.

Thank you.

Until next time~


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Food Relief Program.

The photo at the top of my blog shows what can be packaged by helping hands in a small or large group, school, church, community or County wide program. It was my dream to find a way to feed the starving bellies of the world. Doing it on my own was impossible. Reaching out to find people that want to help was easy!!! This nutritious food gets packed in an assembly line manner. The bag of food that gets filled costs $1.50 ~ and it will feed 6-10 children who lack any nutrition in their bodies.

I can help you to organize a "food packing" event!! This is a great way to help others in need. My partners Floyd and Kathy Hammer recently shipped 4 million meals like this to Haiti. Will it last forever?? The answer NO!! However, we can get the most vulnerable children and adults up to physical and mental capacity when they can count on one of these meals a day. They will gain their strength then in turn will learn how to take care of their families through simple methods of farming or working for a meager income to purchase rice, beans and vegetables.

I would love to share my experience with you on how this meaningful event can change your life and those that you feed.

Contact me to schedule a presentation or to learn more about Packathons!! Simplehope1@gmail.com

Until next time ~


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Seeing Clearly!!

Many Thanks to Katie G who has been very instrumental in helping me to help those in Tanzania who are unable to see. We have thousands of used and some new eyeglasses that I will be able to distribute while working with the team of Doctors at the Singida Regional Hospital. I am so thrilled to be able to help those who have never seen clearly in their entire life to having the blessing of seeing things just a little better. Katie has secured all of the donated eye wear and has fixed everything to be in perfect condition for the recipients in TZ.

Its kind hearts working together for a simple goal of reaching out to others in need. It doesn't have to cost money, but her time that she has donated to get things ready for me is something I will never forget and those we will help in this country will be so blessed because she selflessly gave of her time!!!

My sincere Thanks Katie for spending your "days off" helping me to help others!!

Until next time~


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kudo's Sister Hilda!

Sister Hilda has done a wonderful job of executing the Food Relief Program to many children in Tanzania. I admire the way she began and is executing this program. Many children are receiving solid and steady nutrition which will help them become mentally and physically stronger!!

She was able to pass out new back packs to the students who passed their national exams. These backpacks are a goal for the children to reach who do well in school and for those who pass their national exams. Consider a backpack drive for school children in Tanzania!! Just let me know at simplehope1@gmail.com and we can coordinate a fun activity for kids of all ages.

Food with consistent nutrition MAKES a difference. Thank you for helping me to help the children and their families in Tanzania. We have several "packaging events" planned for this year and hope for more as the more food we can pack and send, the greater their hope for a brighter future. Our food packs can and are distributed to other mission projects as well. If your school or church is connected to a special orphanage or school in a different country, let me know...we can help you with your connections too.

Until next time~


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Welcome EVERYONE Local and Global!

I want to share a warm welcome to all my visitors of this site. It is interesting to see all the different cities, states and countries that are visiting and enjoying my blog. My shout out to Tanzania, India, Canada, England/UK, Germany, Austria, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia and all from the USA!!

I am open to your ideas and input....email my team: simplehope1@gmail.com.

Thank you so kindly for your support!!!

Until next time~


Thank you First United Methodist Youth.

What a blessing to have received some of the cutest t-shirts hand made by the youth at First United Methodist church....to be distributed to the young children in TZ!!! Your wonderful artwork and words of love will be worn with pride!!

Thank you for your partnership!!

Until next time~


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thank you Port Washington Kiwanis

I want to give a huge compliment to the wonderful Kiwanis club of Port Washington. I am very excited about our partnership to help package meals for those who have no means to find consistent nutrition. The Grafton Packaging Event will be so much better with the Port Kiwanis helping us get to our goal!!

What a wonderful generous club!! Thank you for allowing me time to speak about my work and the work of my partners Outreach Africa!!

Until next time~


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thank You St. Luke's Parish!!

I was so touched today with a wonderful opportunity to speak about my work in Tanzania to a wonderful group from St. Luke's - the Holy Mary Society. You were such a wonderful group and I feel so blessed that I was able to share my stories with you.

You touched my heart and for that I am extremely grateful.

I look forward to our partnership together.

Until next time!


Friday, January 15, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!!

World catastrophe's continue to happen daily!! There has been a great deal of focus on the devastation in Haiti which has been a blessing. The World has quickly stopped to help and for that I am grateful.

Our friends in Tanzania ALSO have their fair share of worry these days. For the past year, they have suffered with drought beyond any of our imagination. With little means to find water, crops have failed and people and animal have suffered!!! However about a month ago, the rains came. It didn't just "shower" though like a sprinkler here....it came down and it hasn't stopped. Imagine if your grass was all dried up and you had huge cracks in the ground. More than an hours worth of rainfall would not saturate your lawn and make it green, flooding would occur and whatever you might have planted would be washed away so quickly. This is exactly what has happened to our friends in the Northern half of Tanzania. Imagine not having "paved" roads just dirt!! What would happen?? Mudslides and no way to get from place to place. Even Tanzania was struck by a smaller earthquake in early December.

Many continue to suffer more than imaginable. You can help our friends in Tanzania by making a charitable contribution to: Outreachafrica.org.

Until next time~


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayers for Haiti!

My prayers go to all the people that have been affected by the earthquake in Haiti. I have 3 personal friends doing a "dental mission" in Port au Prince that have not been heard from...along with thousands of other kind and giving volunteers that are there to help those that are in need of food, shelter and education!!

My prayers are with all those that are going to help clean up, and those that have suffered even more than what they already do.

Until next time~


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prayer Shawl Collection

I collect prayer shawls for those that are in need of spiritual warmth and will be collecting these through the middle of March. If you a church group or anyone you know can knit, I would be honored to present these to the people in Tanzania.

Contact me for more information: simplehope1@gmail.com
Until next time~


Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Food has ARRIVED!!

I just heard from my dear friend Sister Scholastica that the first part of our food has arrived!! Tanzania has had incredible rain fall in the past week ~ so much that the dirt roads have washed away along with crops that were planted. As Sister Scola told me today, the truck that was carrying the food was diligently driven by our other friend Mike and Sister Hilda accompanied them to make sure it arrived safe!!! God had the plan!!

With the extreme flooding that has occurred, we are once again reminded of our help being needed more than ever!! For those who planted a few crops, they were washed away with the extreme rainfall that has occurred.

This food will benefit so many who would have nothing to eat. This food will make a huge difference in the bellies that hurt from hunger.

Another blessed day among the incredible challenges that our friends are faced with in the remote villages of Tanzania.

Until next time ~


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Eyeglasses and Diabetic supplies!!!

In my ongoing effort to help my friends in Tanzania see just a little more clear, I put out my call to find used or new eyeglasses. I just received word yesterday that my friends Dr's Holly, Paul and Lisa have collected over 1000 pair of glasses along with my friends Bob and others from another wonderful organization who have collected over 600!!! WHAT an incredible impact this will have to help those in Tanzania.

When the idea first came to my mind months before my first trip there, I thought, if I would be able to take one pair with me....that would be happiness for one person who would not be able to see. I collected more than 60 pair for my first "eye clinic" then I saw the need with my own eyes...more than a hundred showed up and there were more that didn't even bother to come because they knew there weren't enough!! A generous contributor donated over 110 pair of reading glasses which found there way to Tanzania.

I am so excited about the donations that have been collected. These will travel to a village who has not had the opportunity to have eyeglasses brought to them!!

I also want to Thank Cheryl for your donation of diabetic medical supplies. This is a huge need and demand in a country who lacks any amount of medical care. The supplies have left the USA and will find there way to the medical team in March!

I am once again reminded at the kindness of others!! Thank you everyone for all you do.

Until next time~
