"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Generosity Continues...

Mwika Tanzania will be the recipient of 110 pair of Foster Grant Reading glasses. Thank you Lynn Randar for your kindness, generosity and understanding of this great need in Mwika. There are so many people young and old that need just reading glasses. Both Lynn and I know what it feels like to not be able to see clearly without the aid of reading glasses. This contribution will go a long way and I know personally that everyone who will be receiving them will say a prayer of Thanks for you and your kindness.

I have also been blessed with groups coming forward to see how they can help. There is SO much kindness and goodness in our world. I can't wait to share with you how we will change the lives of many in Mwika.

Until next time ~


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Busy, Busy Busy.

Life is busy here in the USA. I have been working very hard w/a national non profit to promote a great feeding program for the village of Mwika. This program will help 750 children and adults everyday be fed 5 times a week for a full year. As our program blends together, I will share how it was built and how it is come together. I am also very happy to report that I am receiving 100 pair of reading glasses for my friends in Mwika. These glasses will be shipped by month end and Roland will have the opportunity to pass these out. He kept a detailed list of people that did not receive them when we did our eye clinic in February, so those, plus many more will finally have the chance to see for the first time in their lives.

Even in our unsettled economy, people still want to help people. This has been apparent at different places I have spoke about my trip. There is such GREAT need in this third world country and above all, I want to get them help. Maring'a Juu is the primary school that I have been partnered with for over a year. They have over 550 children (130 orphaned) who need so much help. The students have so little and the teachers have so little that it is hard to make a full school day successful. We are working on great projects to get these children and teachers the help they need. One of the teachers who became a very good friend to me said, just by me being there with them the last week of my visit, brought so much hope. Hope that others will hear about their difficulties, JOY that so many have reached out to them ie: sweater and t-shirt distribution, school supplies and letters and cards. They remain simple with no requests other than to be prayed for. So everything that has been received by the school has not gone unnoticed. I can tell you they are Thankful and joyful at everything they have received.

I am grateful for the support I have, for great friends and family and above all That God takes care of all of us.

Until next time ~


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Safe Safari Home


I have safely arrived back to the USA. My flights were very smooth, all connections made and no worries along the way. I was greeted at the airport by Tom and the girls who had big signs waiting for me!! We met so many interesting people on the journey home. Our flight from Nairobi to London was filled with "missionaries" I guess we all have our hearts in a similar place as everyone we talked to was helping someone in either Kenya or Tanzania. I was wondering to myself, that even the smallest things make a huge difference and that no matter what your God given talent or gift, whatever you give will change someones life.

I have been so blessed to have experienced with my own eyes, mind and spirit ~ what it is like to live in Tanzania. I will have to overcome my jet lag and then begin to share my photo's and videos.

THANK YOU to all of my wonderful friends and families for your support of my journey. You had sent me to do this work, I accomplished what I went to do and along the way, gave so many hope that never would have received it. So, your thoughts and prayers were carried with me.

I will post photo's from my trip this week, so keep checking on my blog. This year will be a busy one for sure as I now know what lies ahead of me in the way of helping our brothers and sisters in Mwika. I will continue to share my journey of what I am doing to help and of course if you have anything you want to share along this journey, please let me know. The more we gather together to help, the bigger the reward!!

Again, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support!!

Until next time.
