"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thank you!!

I want to personally THANK EVERYONE who is reading my blog. I have been richly blessed with wonderful family and friends!! I want to Thank so many people for your warm blessings and prayers for this journey. My husband Tom and my girls Libby and Bridget for being strong while "Mom" is away. For my parents who will "fill in" where needed, my Sister Lisa and her husband Bob for their strong support. My church Holy Cross and the great members, Pastor David and Pastor Meredith for your guidance in this journey. Valley View elementary school its PTA, the staff, the students and the principal Mary Dohmeier. This is one AWESOME school who knows about global service and outreach!! Go Valley View. For my dear friends: Ann, Brenda (my life long friend) Ilene, Lisa, Rene, Ted, Julie, Nancy, Lori, Sherry, Christina, Suzanne, Linda Z, Shel, Cori, Janet, Derik, Michelle, Tracy, Kris P, Sue, Ellen (my travel partner), Pastor Norm, Cathi, Amy, Nancy, Julie, Cari, Rita, Mom and Dad in Florida, Sandy, Tammy, Marsha, Sue, Rebecca,Barbara (travel partner),Kathy N,Barb N, Dr. Nicholas and her Mom and sister, TJ Middle School, Uncle Don, Hope, Betty P, Cousin Jill and Wendy(my life long friend) I have two groups in Illinois who have been instrumental in knitting and shipping sweaters to Mwika, my "chicks with sticks" group and my Morrison Illionois project. These ladies and gentlemen have made beautiful sweaters and the children of TZ are now kept warm in their "cold" season. Your sticks have made GREAT things happen!!!!

A GREAT huge Thank you for your prayers, your well wishes and everything and anything you have done to help me help Mwika. Your crowns will be waiting for you!!!

See you in Africa!!!


  1. Hey pam its hannah!! I hope you enjoyed london, i always wanted to go there!!!!!!! Be safe and help the town! I bet the children really loved the sweaters you gave them. Me and my family are glad you are helping out with the village. Keep us updated and stay safe! May the force be with you! Love the Shoemaker. I know TJ rocks!!! Good luck!

  2. Hi Pam, and all, We love reading your blog. We are praying for all of you every day. Can't wait to hear all about it. LOL Toma & Mary

  3. Hey Pam - Can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about the excursion. You are amazing. Hi to Roland. Love you, Julie Cz.
