"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Saturday, April 17, 2010

More work to be done!

Things are not done yet in Tanzania. My flight was grounded due to the volcano in Iceland. We have been told it could be up to a month to get home. Becoming a missionary was my dream...but never thought it would be this fast!!! I am very safe and have great friends that are taking really good care of me and my mission partner Karen!!!

We have been able to experience so much. We had a wonderful meeting with the Sisters in Moshi. We have formed a wonderful partnership for developing food programs for many remote villages!! I feel entirely blessed to have made this connection. Thank you to my dear friends, Mike K and Floyd and Kathy Hammer. When the time is right for things to take place, things fall in place so easily. I will say that many of the villages we are working with depend on the food. They have no means to get a good nutritious meal, so this food is saving lives.

We spent a couple days with the Masai Tribe!! What an interesting and fascinating life these folks live. We went to their "market day" and saw how they sell cows and goats or trade for something they might need. There was probably 500 or more at the market. I knew that I stood out of this crowd, but was so welcomed!! One of my friends even fit my feet for their famous "tire shoe" I now have a pair of these to bring home and wear "around town" I was also given the plaid wrap to wear, although, I don't think I would be able to do what they do. The Masai women work extremely hard. They build the house, the barn, take care of the children, please their husbands when they need, and take care of everything else under the sun!!! The men, well, they take care of the cattle...WOW...can you imagine??? I see that this is the truth with the women here in Tanzania that aren't Masai too!! They all work so hard!! I am only so happy when I can help them in a small way!!

Since we will be here longer, we will be able to do more work for the least of the least. We are preparing to make arrangements to visit several orphanages and share our love with the children who have no parents. My only hope is that we can give them a smile by being there for them.

Life if difficult in Tanzania. There is nothing easy about it. The people remain the most loving and caring people I have ever known. Please keep this country in your prayers!! They need every ounce of your help.

Until next time~


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