"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"

"The Happiest Day for Simeon and Sula"
Children's Book

Simeon and Sula Dolls

Simeon and Sula Dolls
Purchase and help those who suffer

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls

Hajiba (middle) widow who made dolls
Supporting the widows in Kenya

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda

Simple Hope East Africa Director Charles Mpanda
Dedication of SHEA Food! Thank you Country Director Charles Mpanda for your help!

Building a bridge of love between our worlds

Building a bridge of love between our worlds
Hand in hand we help each other!

Matonyak Orphanage

Matonyak Orphanage
Sharing Love with an orphan

Thursday, March 31, 2011


There are no words to describe how wonderful it is to be here in Tanzania again. We have been able to accomplish so much already.

My time is limited on the internet, but promise to write as much as possible upon my arrival home! We spent a couple days with our villages on Mt. Meru over the weekend. We were able to worship with 200 people, watched 10 children be baptized, attended the church auction after worship, purchased a goat and two "kuku's" We donated the goat to a recent widow who is so poor she cannot afford even one piece of food for her 4 children! This Goat is a female and will produce milk for her family. The chickens were given to 2 families who are also very poor. We met a group of adults from one of the villages where they had formed a "micro finance" co-op. They pool their money to help others in the village who need health care, food, water and other daily needs. Simple Hope donated 50,000tsh ( about $40.00 usd). They currently had less than $2.00 in their cash box! Bringing hope was the best thing we could have accomplished. We spent time learning about each of their needs and it is truly heartbreaking when the same story is repeated by each person yet, they live with love and hope and their faith in God. That is encouraging and enlightening to me.

We learned of an orphanage that needed our help. We are going to be distributing vitamins, shoes and school supplies to them today. We are working on "building a bridge of love between our worlds" This orphanage has no help! The government does not supply a single T shilling nor are there any NGO's supporting. A man and his wife have 30 children they are caring for. They have God in their hearts and know that if they do not help, these children will either die or be left to live on the street! We can connect many dots with this wonderful orphanage filled with love!

Our work will never be done, I just pray for strength and guidance from God above to help us to help as many as we are able. I am ready, willing and able to do this work!

Thank you for praying for me, Simple Hope and those we are serving. I cannot do this work without God and you!

Blessings and peace -

1 comment:

  1. You are doing the right thing by doing this work. I like how you donated the chickens and goat. Love you ,

